
Showing posts from February, 2019

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: U[n]wrapping the single wheel

UV unwrapped the single wheel.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Creating the Single Wheel

Copied over the wheel.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Unwrapping the wheels and support

Finished the unwrapping process.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Prepering the model for UV Mapping

Prepared the model for UV mapping and began unrwrapping the back.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Modeling the wheels detail

Finished modeling the wheels.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Creating the wheels

Created the basic shape of the wheel.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Refining the Wheel Support

Finished up the wheel support.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Creating the main wheel support

Created the main wheel support.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Setting Up the UV Maps for the Wheels

UV unwrapped the Drive Wheel and Shaft.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Finishing off the Drive Wheel

Finished off modeling the drive Wheel.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Detailijng the drive wheel

Added more detail to the drive wheel.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Using Guide Objects

Modeled extrusion.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Building the Drive Cylinder

Built the beginnings of the drive cylinder.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: UV Mapping the drive shaft

UV unwrapped the object.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Using symmetry modifiers to keep the shape

Created full shape using symmetry modifiers.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Creating the Drive Shaft, Part 2

Created the cuts for the cylinder (Reference cylinder was not provided, so I eyed it in instead).

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Creating the Drive Shaft, Part 1

Created the basic shape of the drive shaft.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Unwrapping the hub

UV unwrapped the hub.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Shaping the Hub

Added more detail to the hub.

Game Art: Model and UV Map a Low Poly Character: Introduction and Creating the Hub

Watched the introduction and Creating a hub. Created the basic shape for the hub.

Hardcore Parkour Contact Poses

Created contact poses file. (Arm placement and animation acts weird without the in between frames)

Hardcore Parkour Final

Edited together the final video and uploaded to youtube.

Hardcore Parkour Render 2-3

Rendered Final two animations.

Hardcore Parkour Animation 1 Render

Rendered the first animation overnight.

Hardcore Parkour Polish

Continued polishing all of the animations, also added cameras for the second and third animations.

Hardcore Parkour Animation 1 Render test

Rendered a few frames of animation to test speed.

Hardcore Parkour Animation 1 Ears and Polish

Animated the ears for the first animation, polished the rest of the animation for it, and added a camera.

Hardcore Parcour Animation 2-3 Refine 2 and render Part 2

Rendered a few frames to see render time. Also refined the movement of the left hand and arm.

Hardcore Parcour Animation 2-3 Refine 2 and render

Continued refining the final 2 animations. (Added squash and stretch to some of the landings, more movement to the swinging hips and feet, began animating the hands holding the bars). Also began working on rendering. Also began working on rendering:

Hardcore Parcour Animation 3 Refine

Began adjusting the hips, feet, and hands for the swinging motion.

Hardcore Parkour Animation 3 Block in

Blocked in the third animation. It will be part of the 2nd animation. Found Reference:

Hardcore Parcour Animation 2 Shoulders and arms

Began Animating the shoulders and arms. Found reference video:

Hardcore Parkour Animation 2 Finetune

Continued to finetune the feet and hips movement.

Hardcore Parkour Animation 2 Block in 3

Finished blocking and started fine tuning the feet and the hips.

Hardcore Parkour Animation 2 Block in 2

Continued blocking in the animation. Used this reference video:

Hardcore Parkour Animation 2 Block in

Blocked in 2nd parkour animation.

Hardcore Parcore Adjusting 2

Continued adjusting the animation.

Hardcore Parcore Adjusting 1

Began adjusting the animation.

Hardcore Parcour Blocking 2

Continued blocking in the animation

Hardcore Parcour Blocking 1

Began blocking in first animation.

Hardcore Parcour Reference

Found reference for the jumps.